Последние обновления

22-05-2020 11:35:20
22-05-2020 9:46:14
The looting limit for an attack now takes into account the robbery of inactive players and the resource received from the devouring of any player.
20-05-2020 23:23:44
The cost of tosses Nexus has been reduced by half.
20-05-2020 13:44:11
Replacing the image of the hero of Marshal Zhukov
19-05-2020 11:46:07
Counting the number of satellites for Overpopulation with officers bonuses
19-05-2020 6:46:39
Overpopulation enabled due to number of satellites. If the number of satellites exceeds 10 * [level of colonization technology], then "Overpopulation" is turned on at all mining objects of the empire.
18-05-2020 19:14:59
The base repair percentage of the fleet was reduced from 25% to 20%.
18-05-2020 19:05:33
The limit of resources that can be transferred without penalties decreased from 750% to 200% of production.
18-05-2020 14:24:56
Xerjs holes use half as much energy
18-05-2020 8:55:52
The bonus of Relict Stations can be seen in the galaxy
14-05-2020 14:21:24
We changed the bonus percentage from 1 to the sum of levels / 3 and the cost of mutant Chuchkhe with the return of hydarians.
We have increased Officer Emperor's amortization bonus from 1% to 1.25%.
14-05-2020 14:03:40
The Awakening of the Nagibators!
13-05-2020 16:59:33
The cost of the Geyser and Gas Hole has been reduced by 2 times.
13-05-2020 13:39:28
The Emperor's order x2 now gives a bonus to amortization.
We fixed Mutant Chuchkhe's bug, which gave us a bonus of 5% instead of 2% to reduce control energy.
We changed Chuchkhe's bonus from 2% to 1% with the addition of order x2.
13-05-2020 12:19:49
Change in the percentage of the merchant's commission from 10% to 15%.
12-05-2020 15:56:30
The cost of Human Geyser and Xerjs Gas Lake has been reduced by about a third.
12-05-2020 15:48:23
Reducing the cost of Gas Lake Xerjs by a factor of 10.
12-05-2020 13:09:58
The price of classic mining buildings has been reduced by about 3 times:
Mines, Refinery, Incubator, Canal.

The price of "new" mining buildings has been reduced by about 2 times:
Well, Lake, Geyser, Holes
12-05-2020 12:22:18
The limit of resources exported by an attack without penalties was increased by 10 times, to 750% of the monthly production.
12-05-2020 12:18:05
The gas consumption of the Vespene reactor has been reduced by one third. The total is 5 times after the reduction in production under the administration program of 2014.
11-05-2020 12:52:53
We've halved asteroid production
10-05-2020 0:01:26
The base percentage of fleet repair is increased by 10: from 15 to 25%.
09-05-2020 14:19:18
We've reduced the production of tosses droids.
09-05-2020 14:15:50
We're increasing the number of pirates by 25%.
09-05-2020 14:02:20
08-05-2020 8:07:48
We fixed the gravity gun sighting functionality when the station is very close to the planet (or other object).
08-05-2020 6:35:14
Correction of the forum mini-game opening bug (Форум. Сигнал. )
07-05-2020 15:41:08
Prohibition of the use of the sensory phalanx with flying entity (green)
06-05-2020 12:29:23
If the owner of the fleet and the object match, when calculating the points for the destruction in shreds test, the fleet points are now added to the fleet points not under FAS. (Окупация + разрыв в клочья)
06-05-2020 8:58:33
Fixing problems with large spy reports (Шпионаж)
06-05-2020 6:31:14
05-05-2020 16:19:12
Fixed power renewal at the station with the gun.
05-05-2020 10:16:07
Fixed the bug for calculating the position of an object while moving in local coordinates (could have led to an error when firing the gun).
05-05-2020 10:14:12
Fixed the flying entity bug. Now the flying entity (green glow) cannot collide and cannot be attacked by a gravity gun.
05-05-2020 10:12:31
Introduction of the term Overpopulation as a stage of the Premium Account Plan implementation. Параметры премиального акаунта для проекта Xcraft
03-05-2020 13:35:03
Increasing the speed of the entire fleet by 20-25%.
03-05-2020 13:17:54
We removed the Fleet speed bonus multiplier from Officer General. Now the +2% movement speed bonus is added to the base value.
01-05-2020 16:04:51
Switching off the gravity gun when teleporting the station
01-05-2020 16:04:40
Deactivation of the gravity cannon when jumping with Insectoid Entity (if any)
01-05-2020 13:04:10
Aggression is added to everyone.
27-04-2020 11:31:48
The teleportation delay time formula has been changed from
10 + 5 / [teleport level] ^ 0.5 on
5 + 5 / [teleport level] ^ 0.5,
in hours
27-04-2020 11:26:56
Base cool down period between space station teleportations was reduced by 2 times, from 14 to 7 days.
27-04-2020 0:11:05
To build Dunkleosteus, you now need 1 Mantrid instead of 2.
To build the Wormhive, you now need 2 Mantrid instead of 3.
24-04-2020 17:10:24
Fixed the damage calculation for the gravity gun on the Super Station. Мощность выстрела гравипушки
24-04-2020 8:42:51
Removed multiplication of gravity gun damage bonuses (those that had)
24-04-2020 8:09:11
The increase in jump preparation and teleportation time from the gravity gun shot has been reduced from 25 to 20 seconds.
The basic insectoid entity rest time is reduced from 20 to 14 days.
The cost of creating an alliance has been increased from 250 to 1000 Hydarian.
The cost of alliance transfer increased from 100 to 500 Hydarian.
22-04-2020 13:34:50
Start x2Crazy!
22-04-2020 12:17:07
Daily decrease in aggression by 1 level instead of 0.1. One-time aggression decrease by 10 times.
22-04-2020 8:42:40
Fixed sky in 3d
21-04-2020 21:20:16
Every day the aggression is reduced by 0.1 of the level.
21-04-2020 14:36:21
Decrease of fleet points for calculation of aggression once a day by 0.1%, but minimum by 100.
21-04-2020 10:07:33
The pirate's aggression is now different for each participant in the battle.
21-04-2020 10:07:33
Adding the level of aggression to the pirates for every 1000 fleet points. Decrease of aggression by 0.1% from the current one per day
20-04-2020 12:06:38
Change of fuel consumption when using trampolines from 1/3 to 1/2.
18-04-2020 13:38:46
Correct operation of automatic return from occupation (баг флота )
14-04-2020 13:22:23
Increasing the cost of viewing the structure of an object in the galaxy from 100 Vespene to 1HC
10-04-2020 9:25:34
We've added a delay in preparing the entity's jump when hit with a gravity gun.
We have increased the preparation delay of the gravity gun from 10 to 25 seconds.
That means now each shot of the gun increases the time of the entity's jump preparation / increases the preparation time for station teleportation.
07-04-2020 10:17:02
If the fight ended in a draw, the occupation does not begin.
07-04-2020 7:40:37
Fixed bug Ошибка в "Отложенная отправка флота". Wrong number of resources with spaces saved.
03-04-2020 17:25:26
During the occupation, pushing out a weak fleet before a battle begins.
02-04-2020 3:48:06
Cancelled last change in trampolines
01-04-2020 10:33:26
We updated the trampoline model https://xcraft.ru/infos/?gid=397
30-03-2020 14:20:00
Taking into account the medal thirst for speed in calculating the number of trampolines on the sending page (the server has always been considered correct).
Неверное количество трамплинов
30-03-2020 12:49:00
Tosses droids: Attack disabled, shield increased from 10 to 25.
30-03-2020 7:31:40
Replacing the negative structure with the "critically low structure" in the spy report. Баг с структурой опс
29-03-2020 19:21:21
The monthly limit of resources transferred or exported during an attack has been increased from 50% to 75% without penalty.
28-03-2020 6:25:13
Updated calculation of amortization debt.
1. In case of a short-term drop in production, no debt for amortization will be charged.
2. 1 unit of debt per day is forgiven.
27-03-2020 15:52:49
For scheduled shipments per Hd, a delay of 10 seconds does not apply.
27-03-2020 13:08:23
Sending from the same coordinates is only possible once every 10 seconds and for missile attack, too.
27-03-2020 12:22:44
Sending from the same coordinates is only possible once every 10 seconds (except for espionage and missile attack).
27-03-2020 6:17:55
Change the delay time of teleportation for each hit of the gravity gun from 1 to 10 seconds.
26-03-2020 16:22:20
The rate of accumulation of pirate aggression has been doubled, the rate of reduction of pirate aggression has been halved.
26-03-2020 11:44:25
A weak player's fleet is now counted in any destruction in shreds test. (Анонс! Разрыв в клочья сильного)
25-03-2020 12:31:17
Tosses are allowed to build on planetary pirate stations / orbit pirate stations a cybernetic core and warp gate
25-03-2020 10:24:38
Fixed bug in reports of destroyed shields while absorbing damage to the structure. нерушимые щиты
25-03-2020 4:19:16
Changed search algorithm for pair for collision processing. Previously, the closest pair was selected, but now the collision and speed are considered. Prevents errors when two other objects could not collide because of two standing objects.
24-03-2020 15:53:31
Buildings now affect the speed at which only their own race can build a defense.
24-03-2020 15:34:12
Buildings now only affect the speed at which units of their own race are built.
24-03-2020 14:24:39
Phase 6 of the 6th quest for an attack on the planet Montana will only count for fleets that survived and did not retreat.
20-03-2020 11:59:13
The 6th quest of humans is no longer dependent on the 5th quest.
20-03-2020 10:11:08
Jouann of Montana of the 6 quests now changes the coordinates of the appearance every day between the 100th and 900th system and the 100th to 900th galaxy.
18-03-2020 16:25:16
Superfluous message about the destruction of the satellite due to loss of structure just before the destruction of the satellite was removed. Исчезла дунька раньше времени..
18-03-2020 9:45:56
Ark: Samples should only be delivered from their planet (not from holding).
18-03-2020 9:27:12
"Planet raider" and "Need for speed" medals are now limited to level 19.
16-03-2020 14:13:32
Fixed structure bonus calculation for defense units mutated from Creep. Now, for example, for the Spore colony, besides its own bonus is added a bonus Creep colony.
16-03-2020 12:52:13
Correction of thermonuclear power plant construction on satellites
12-03-2020 23:43:01
The energy consumption of the Planetary Defense and the Small Shield Dome has been reduced by half.
Energy consumption of the Large Shield Dome has been reduced by 2.5 times.
12-03-2020 23:37:13
The construction of Dunkleosteus requires a Level 2 Mantrid instead of 1.
The Mantrid of the third level instead of 2 is required to build the Wormhive.
12-03-2020 23:35:54
Dunkleosteus density is now reduced by a factor of 10, not 2.
12-03-2020 16:38:19
Bonus to the structure from Dunkleosteus is set at 1% for the level instead of 5%.
12-03-2020 13:36:28
Return of 5% bonus to structure from each level of Dunkleosteus
12-03-2020 13:26:45
Reduce Planetary Defense energy consumption from 25000 to 20000.
11-03-2020 16:36:13
Decrease in density of entity and dunkleosteus by 2 times
09-03-2020 15:48:48
Increase in the value of Hydarian crystals when buying through PayMaster by 5% due to the dollar rate.
09-03-2020 14:26:51
Possibility of building a thermonuclear power plant on satellites
Название темы
 Последнее сообщение 
Manual control of battle was improved

one action point every 25 seconds



9 Декабря 2016 22:04:37
Посл. сообщение: Gorun
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 4 Просмотры: 2424



8 Декабря 2016 19:34:16
Посл. сообщение: dimitrisnik24
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 3 Просмотры: 2184



4 Декабря 2016 00:33:47
Посл. сообщение: iceblade
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 1 Просмотры: 2301



4 Декабря 2016 18:23:30
Посл. сообщение: qwertyII
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 3 Просмотры: 2284



1 Декабря 2016 22:54:19
Посл. сообщение: Khaldun
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 5 Просмотры: 2661



30 Ноября 2016 16:22:53
Посл. сообщение: Victoria
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 0 Просмотры: 2115



1 Декабря 2016 01:25:59
Посл. сообщение: Khaldun
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 6 Просмотры: 2326



29 Ноября 2016 15:54:46
Посл. сообщение: Anthony_Huynh
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 1 Просмотры: 2052

Technical works

November 25, 2016, 05:00am server time.



25 Ноября 2016 10:14:06
Посл. сообщение: Victoria
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 1 Просмотры: 2485



23 Ноября 2016 14:24:58
Посл. сообщение: shane
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 3 Просмотры: 2394



29 Ноября 2016 23:13:13
Посл. сообщение: dimitrisnik24
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 10 Просмотры: 2732



22 Ноября 2016 19:34:26
Посл. сообщение: Khaldun
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 4 Просмотры: 2387



16 Ноября 2016 23:19:03
Посл. сообщение: Khaldun
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 4 Просмотры: 2327



31 Октября 2016 09:06:15
Посл. сообщение: Victoria
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 0 Просмотры: 2270



29 Октября 2016 18:33:43
Посл. сообщение: Victoria
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 0 Просмотры: 2412



28 Октября 2016 11:26:48
Посл. сообщение: Exterminator
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 2 Просмотры: 2327



25 Октября 2016 23:35:43
Посл. сообщение: manda
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 19 Просмотры: 2994



16 Октября 2016 20:50:03
Посл. сообщение: Victoria
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 0 Просмотры: 2292

Technical works

17/10/2016 at 05:00 server time



17 Октября 2016 06:58:50
Посл. сообщение: Victoria
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 1 Просмотры: 2207



14 Октября 2016 11:14:21
Посл. сообщение: dimitrisnik24
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 1 Просмотры: 1992



6 Октября 2016 20:52:02
Посл. сообщение: dimitrisnik24
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 2 Просмотры: 2301



4 Октября 2016 12:15:00
Посл. сообщение: Coffee
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 3 Просмотры: 2768



26 Сентября 2016 22:41:42
Посл. сообщение: Victoria
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 0 Просмотры: 2463



26 Сентября 2016 20:47:29
Посл. сообщение: Victoria
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 0 Просмотры: 2327

Bounty hunting

new mechanic



28 Сентября 2016 18:10:54
Посл. сообщение: enahs
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 5 Просмотры: 2855

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