Последние обновления

06-09-2021 13:46:22
The maximum number of wormholes in the universe has been reduced by 5 times.
06-09-2021 10:25:54
The base time between transfers for the Teleportation Gate has been reduced from 24 hours to 6 hours.
03-09-2021 13:49:59
Initial fleet recovery percentage decreased from 15% to 10%.
02-09-2021 18:06:09
Added the ability to add Battle Experience and Infrastructure to the simulator
02-09-2021 16:40:31
Returned the previous mining parameters for the "classic mines" of human and xerjs.
Base production of Planetary Toss Ripper has been reduced by 20%, bonuses to its production from Toss buildings have been increased.
02-09-2021 15:21:01
Added a list of improvements to the Gate radius on the Teleportation Gate page
01-09-2021 14:23:53
The active stations of the alliance network are always visible even out of sight.
31-08-2021 22:58:46
The limitation on the number of flagships in pirate fleets has been removed.
30-08-2021 14:19:01
The maximum teleportation range of the Teleportation Gate has been reduced from 25k to 10k per level.
30-08-2021 9:26:17
Fixed display of the list of online players in humans (Обнаружение активности у террана)
27-08-2021 14:41:47
Concentration of shots in battle is disabled.
26-08-2021 20:26:32
Changed the formula of the Toss Feeder to exclude the possibility of reaching -100% to the energy consumption of defense.
Toss Distiller's defense efficiency increased from 1/5000 to 1/4500.
26-08-2021 17:37:59
The speed of building the fleet and defense at the PPS / Temples has been doubled.
26-08-2021 14:08:46
Phalanx no longer sees entities within its range.
26-08-2021 7:51:48
New rule of visibility of objects - https://xcraft.ru/infos/?gid=rules_visibility
25-08-2021 13:43:40
Reducing the commission of the Besiary in HC by a third
24-08-2021 11:54:52
The elections are fully prepared.
The elections for the heads of the alliances will take place on December 1st.
The elections of the People's Tribune will take place on March 1st.
22-08-2021 15:37:29
You cannot kick out a player who has received more than 1% (at least 3 votes) in the current vote for the head of the alliance.
20-08-2021 10:01:42
Debris falling out in battle has been fixed.
19-08-2021 16:54:19
Possibility to change the name after 1kk points.
15-08-2021 17:51:34
Mole holes now spawn randomly, without being tied to population. (Кротовые норы, рандомная генерация)
11-08-2021 13:56:18
The time for issuing an order in battle has been reduced from 25 to 15 seconds.
11-08-2021 12:29:37
Fixed a bug in the Tosses Interceptor specializations (returned 0.4 for heavy armor).
10-08-2021 11:04:00
The maximum percentage of tax collection and the percentage of tribute collection that the current bank level can give has been reduced from 0.4 to 0.3
06-08-2021 18:27:27
Canceled destruction of buildings when capturing OPS.
05-08-2021 15:38:15
Astrologers have announced pony week. The number of heaps of resources on the planet has been reduced to two.
04-08-2021 21:38:33
It is forbidden to capture abandoned OPS. Now OPS can only be captured from pirates with 500,000+ points.
04-08-2021 19:12:47
It is forbidden to capture OPS from players. Now OPS can only be captured from pirates with 500,000+ points, or abandoned ones.
30-07-2021 15:13:01
Removed inactivity penalties without a Vacation Mode (disabling newbie protection, diplomacy, caches).
29-07-2021 18:09:56
The bonus to the minimum number of fields from long holding in the “Colonization” order has been removed.
28-07-2021 13:45:46
Removed the rule that prohibited going into vacation mode within 24 hours after colonizing an asteroid.
27-07-2021 15:10:22
When capturing pirate stations, one level of each building is now destroyed (except for buildings that cannot be completely destroyed if they are of the first level).
23-07-2021 15:20:41
Aircraft carriers with the ability to attack now receive a bonus from gravity weapons.
23-07-2021 8:57:08
Change subscription continuity time from 7 to 30 days
21-07-2021 10:58:29
Astrologers have declared a cow week - the number of resource heaps in the Buildings menu has been tripled.
16-07-2021 17:36:31
Digital register and sale of OPS
16-07-2021 17:36:31
Prohibition of colonization of OPS registered in the Digital Asset Register
14-07-2021 9:53:30
Correction of visual confirmation of the fleet sharing (задержка визуальной расшарки флота)
12-07-2021 12:10:33
Correction of the recalculation of the remaining construction time of buildings and research time after the completion of the research (Фокусировка не работает).
12-07-2021 11:38:25
Display by default only open topics in the bugs section of the forum.
12-07-2021 6:50:33
Fix time synchronization in sent dialog messages
08-07-2021 14:48:59
Reducing the production (pirate tribute) of all OPS owned by pirates by 10 times.
Disabled 100% recovery of units on OPS owned by pirates.
08-07-2021 13:50:57
Increasing the storage of some pirates (Пропадают ресы с пиратских ОПС)
Adding technology and officers to pirates ☠ Georgy, ☠ Bastilia and ☠ Ulrezaj
08-07-2021 12:58:56
Toss carriers have doubled their fuel costs and resource capacity.
07-07-2021 13:24:30
Interceptors / Stormtroopers: Shield recovery speed reduced to 16% / + 1% per level of knowledge (from 25% / + 2%).
Toss Defense now gains a bonus to shield regeneration from Discovery and Shield Battery.
Heartlord: Tweaked the shield regeneration bonus to give 100% at 10th level.
06-07-2021 14:09:44
Raiding now takes into account Vespene consumption in all orders, except for expeditions and travel through a wormhole
01-07-2021 8:12:40
Allocation of a block of resources on the empire page when working out that does not cover the current depreciation.
01-07-2021 7:32:27
Correction of the simulator (Симулятор на 6 часов)
30-06-2021 14:05:24
Display of spy report data in fleet menu and at zero coordinates
30-06-2021 13:06:04
When a satellite is destroyed in accelerating fleets, only non-accelerated units are destroyed.
10-06-2021 14:33:32
Attack radius of Scavengers and Providers increased to 120.
10-06-2021 13:51:45
In the battle report in the main block of information about the participants, information about inactivity, outlaw and VM is now saved
08-06-2021 13:28:30
New setting "Auto-return in the absence of debris" in the "General settings" block. Used as default when sending a fleet
04-06-2021 10:02:54
Slight improvement of the coordinates input form on the fleet sending page (при удалении числа в координатах появляется ноль)
03-06-2021 12:52:43
03-06-2021 9:35:45
Improvement of the ability to minimise and maximise the task tab in the chat panel
02-06-2021 16:55:49
Changed attack ranges and movement speeds across the battlefield for most units.
02-06-2021 10:53:12
Recycling, which is already recycling, is now responding to changes in all officers and all technologies.
01-06-2021 19:10:02
The flagship of Tosses Planetary Ripper is not included in the amortization calculation.
01-06-2021 15:02:13
Correcting a visual bug that causes resources to go into deficit (минус по газу на планке)
01-06-2021 14:33:13
Removed Planetoid attack, reduced capacity on them and on human Harvesters.
01-06-2021 14:26:42
Depreciation costs no longer include Human Harvesters and Xerj Planetoids (in addition to Toss droids that were not previously accounted for).
01-06-2021 14:23:56
The storages of other races now work on PS / OPS.
01-06-2021 13:43:38
01-06-2021 12:46:40
Fixed a bug that congressmen did not have access to the Supreme Intergalactic Council forum
01-06-2021 9:34:25
Splitting the range of the bonus in the table for calculating station bonuses
31-05-2021 11:46:37
Correction of the display of operating stations for some objects (Не показывает алку/планики в сырье)
27-05-2021 12:26:58
Shift of objects on the same coordinates in the list of objects in the left pane
27-05-2021 10:11:32
Election Day of Alliance Heads Set for September 1st
26-05-2021 11:16:24
Filtering by coordinates of the gate list when searching for sending a fleet
25-05-2021 13:37:35
24-05-2021 16:02:43
19-05-2021 18:17:41
An alien fleet with a Transport order is displayed as an enemy fleet if it returns to hold
17-05-2021 21:35:54
The list of the last registered newbies is returned.
17-05-2021 12:28:35
Fleets on hold enter combat from the defending side. Fleets warming-up on an attacking mission NOT from coordinates (into or out of an order) join the battle on the attacking side.
16-05-2021 13:56:55
Updating of the xerjs evolution tree.
14-05-2021 14:37:39
If the mentor does not have a bank, it can be replaced or abandoned for 100 HC, if there is a bank, then it can neither be replaced nor abandoned.
10-05-2021 10:56:55
Fixed the impossibility of returning the queen to the object in some cases.
06-05-2021 16:05:13
Free planet attacks are allowed (to intercept colonial fleets).
03-05-2021 22:42:06
Added a warning about the possibility to put the fleet on indefinite hold when sending from the "Colonization" order.
03-05-2021 13:23:38
27-04-2021 14:38:10
Change of the "Colonization" order (Announce: Colonization mission rework)
22-04-2021 13:33:46
Reducing the cost of officers / mutants / elders in honor of the twelfth anniversary of the project.
22-04-2021 7:24:07
22-04-2021 6:50:14
Changing the phalanx consumption formula.
Changing the bonus to the range of the phalanx from the super station from 50 to 25%.
20-04-2021 19:04:30
Only players with a Premium are allowed into the Senate (free too)
19-04-2021 6:40:30
Sensor phalanx update (https://xcraft.ru/infos/?gid=42).
Tribute from the keys of the capitals is no longer credited.
16-04-2021 15:01:55
Fix for duplicate medal Razgibator.
14-04-2021 11:46:20
You cannot teleport to the void and the wormhole, except for special and Super Stations from level 10
07-04-2021 15:05:02
Displaying the diameters of satellites in the list of objects.
The new Dunkleosteus objects will be named Dunk.
07-04-2021 14:05:05
Correction of the planet number in the list of dangerous attacks (Координаты реликтов)
06-04-2021 2:06:30
The changing demands of human research.
02-04-2021 13:20:02
Interplanetary missiles now fly at a speed of 1000 / min, regardless of direction (bug fix Gleiche Entfernung, unterschiedliche Geschwindigkeiten von Raketen )
01-04-2021 7:29:58
Fix: edit time in delayed fleet dispatch.
Fix: deleting the time immediately after adding it.
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2 Сентября 2021 16:45:45
Посл. сообщение: UncleanOne
Автор: UncleanOne Ответы: 20 Просмотры: 12033

Announce: reduction of fleet debris

And some other re-evaluations



13 Августа 2021 07:59:58
Посл. сообщение: 🌎Marek
Автор: UncleanOne Ответы: 6 Просмотры: 6359

Scheduled Maintenance Notification

13.07.2021, 05:00am server time [Completed]




13 Июля 2021 05:37:23
Посл. сообщение: 🐞ymnik
Автор: 🐞ymnik Ответы: 1 Просмотры: 5845



8 Июля 2021 13:38:19
Посл. сообщение: Victoria
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 0 Просмотры: 4763



7 Июня 2022 11:12:00
Посл. сообщение: DjSoulJammer
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 6 Просмотры: 8117



9 Мая 2021 21:41:24
Посл. сообщение: UncleanOne
Автор: UncleanOne Ответы: 17 Просмотры: 9667

Scheduled Maintenance Notification

25.02.2021, 05:00am server time [Completed]



25 Февраля 2021 06:15:06
Посл. сообщение: 🐞ymnik
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 1 Просмотры: 4704



9 Февраля 2021 11:49:49
Посл. сообщение: UncleanOne
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 3 Просмотры: 5461



3 Декабря 2020 19:24:52
Посл. сообщение: UncleanOne
Автор: UncleanOne Ответы: 0 Просмотры: 6203

Scheduled Maintenance Notification

October 15, 2020, 05:00am server time [Completed]




15 Октября 2020 05:49:12
Посл. сообщение: 🐞ymnik
Автор: 🐞ymnik Ответы: 1 Просмотры: 5310

Scheduled Maintenance Notification

September 29, 2020, 05:00am server time [Completed]



28 Сентября 2020 14:59:24
Посл. сообщение: Victoria
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 0 Просмотры: 4487

Scheduled Maintenance Notification

September 10, 2020, 05:00am server time [Completed]



9 Сентября 2020 12:41:54
Посл. сообщение: Victoria
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 0 Просмотры: 4782



26 Августа 2020 22:34:23
Посл. сообщение: Visio
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 5 Просмотры: 6587



22 Июля 2020 09:42:43
Посл. сообщение: Victoria
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 0 Просмотры: 5235



27 Июня 2020 19:15:57
Посл. сообщение: 👾Zinfin
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 4 Просмотры: 6431



27 Октября 2020 13:23:44
Посл. сообщение: UncleanOne
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 31 Просмотры: 12165



23 Мая 2020 11:45:22
Посл. сообщение: MeSoHorny
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 47 Просмотры: 16610



18 Мая 2020 02:51:13
Посл. сообщение: 🌎Marek
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 12 Просмотры: 7777



6 Апреля 2020 11:27:00
Посл. сообщение: UncleanOne
Автор: UncleanOne Ответы: 0 Просмотры: 4954



2 Апреля 2020 16:06:06
Посл. сообщение: NibblesDaCat
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 8 Просмотры: 6824



26 Марта 2020 07:14:47
Посл. сообщение: Victoria
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 0 Просмотры: 4433



23 Марта 2020 15:59:21
Посл. сообщение: Victoria
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 0 Просмотры: 4926



20 Марта 2020 07:22:02
Посл. сообщение: Victoria
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 0 Просмотры: 5080



26 Марта 2020 16:57:31
Посл. сообщение: lsd-techno
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 7 Просмотры: 9858

Scheduled Maintenance Notification

January 28, 2020, 05:00am server time [Completed]



27 Января 2020 12:13:32
Посл. сообщение: Victoria
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 0 Просмотры: 4455

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