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Ответственный: ymnik
Missiles fly to wrong objegt, targeting irregularity
The user on whose account the problem was detected:
Sheepleville, Stein
Date or time of the incident (according to server time):
12 Jun 03:45:00 (approximate)
(I had self destructed, and stein was still in flight
Missiles targeted at OPS sometimes fly instead to planet below.
Shooting at OPS,I saw the planet was targeted, and self destructed 7 missiles, I believe Stein did not see in time.
Actions required to repeat the problem:
Unknown, I can say both salvos were in the air simultaneously, and there was a fairly heavy load of missile calculations at the time. I am told the target was moving in local coords at the time. Also both shots were fired from capital.
Subsequent shots worked as normal.
stein off target salvo, I had already self destructed mine before i realized it wasn't just me
Button we both used to launch missiles
Additional issue:
My missiles have a range of 16200 CKM, but are unable to hit a station that is 100000km form a planet. A ship using the same drive can get there just fine, What is is the logic here? I understand an object in deep space can be hard to locate, but once you have found it you should be able to get an computer guided missile there just as easily as a ship. We already have the guidance technology to land on mars within 3.5km of the chosen site, and a missile requires no deorbit or complicated atmospheric reentry.
Sheepleville, Stein
Date or time of the incident (according to server time):
12 Jun 03:45:00 (approximate)
(I had self destructed, and stein was still in flight
Missiles targeted at OPS sometimes fly instead to planet below.
Shooting at OPS,I saw the planet was targeted, and self destructed 7 missiles, I believe Stein did not see in time.
Actions required to repeat the problem:
Unknown, I can say both salvos were in the air simultaneously, and there was a fairly heavy load of missile calculations at the time. I am told the target was moving in local coords at the time. Also both shots were fired from capital.
Subsequent shots worked as normal.
stein off target salvo, I had already self destructed mine before i realized it wasn't just me
Button we both used to launch missiles
Additional issue:
My missiles have a range of 16200 CKM, but are unable to hit a station that is 100000km form a planet. A ship using the same drive can get there just fine, What is is the logic here? I understand an object in deep space can be hard to locate, but once you have found it you should be able to get an computer guided missile there just as easily as a ship. We already have the guidance technology to land on mars within 3.5km of the chosen site, and a missile requires no deorbit or complicated atmospheric reentry.
12 Июня 2021 04:22:58
How did you determine that the missile was going the wrong way?
24 Июня 2021 06:54:39
http://prntscr.com/16k9erl First seen on galaxy screen, then confirmed
http://prntscr.com/16ka1so by icon at flight progress bar.
http://prntscr.com/16ka1so by icon at flight progress bar.
24 Июня 2021 09:02:33
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