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Raid loot bug

Сообщение  Сообщение #1 
Группа guest

This happens repatedly when raiding active players. Guide says if I win i should get 50% of resources. Taking spy reports right b4 and after the battle and comparing to battle report doesn't add up:(


FAS: enabled
Activity for last 9 hours: Unknown
Chance to lose espionage probe is 0%
Espionage capability 12

Hide Resources 40 202 metal 61 026 minerals
                           29 041 Vespene 5404 energy


FAS: enabled
Activity for last 9 hours: Unknown
Chance to lose espionage probe is 0%
Espionage capability 12

Hide Resources 20 460 metal 30 695 minerals
                          14 567 Vespene 5280 energy

Indeed 50% of the res are gone

Battle report ⇒
 Enemy fleets met near planet New [x:x:x]
Debris: 45 000 metal and 16 000 minerals
SuperChicken got:
 * 78
14 355 metal
21 706 minerals
10 320 vespene

40200 - 20460 = 19740 M not 14355!
61026 - 30695 = 30331 C not 21706!
29041 - 14567 = 14474 G not 10320!

That's almost 40% of the res has disappeared. Where has it gone?
2 Декабря 2016 11:50:52
2 Декабря 2016 11:50:52
Сообщение  Сообщение #2 
Группа guest
there is a looting limit you can see in the trade tab if your limit is exceed you will lose a percentage of the loot
it will also tell you in the battle report the amount lost
2 Декабря 2016 16:44:34
2 Декабря 2016 16:44:34
Сообщение  Сообщение #3 
Группа guest
Thanx for the fast reply.

3 problems with what you say:
1) There is nothing in the battle report about loot lost. I would have post it otherwise. The amounts just don't match.
2) In the trade tab I see a note about -145 K gas that can be looted without penalty. Nothing about mineral or metal that are missing
3) If I get less resources due to loot limits, that amount should stay with the owner, not just "disappear" :(
3 Декабря 2016 00:40:53
3 Декабря 2016 00:40:53
Сообщение  Сообщение #4 
Группа guest
no  it does not stay with the owner you loot it and a percentage vanishes into the xcraft vaccum
as for the battle report it shows in only the message or the report not both and i do not recall which
and the vespene amount calculates to metal minerals and vespene at a rate of 1 vespene is 2 mineral and 4 metal 
3 Декабря 2016 12:20:20
3 Декабря 2016 12:20:20
Сообщение  Сообщение #5 
Репутация 339
Группа Terminator 175 32 50 Сообщений 5194
This has happened in connection with looting limit. It is not a bug.
6 Декабря 2016 21:37:48
6 Декабря 2016 21:37:48


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