Dear Admin please take note that non-aggression is totally useless in this game.
My providers was sent to recycle after my battleships have destroyed a pirate.
Then this happened no time to escape, and they where slaughtered even though they where on a non-aggression setting so that when enemy ships arrive they would retreat.
Please explain why you have non-aggression setting when it is useless? please fix it so non-aggression missions are not slaughtered during your warm up times. with the warm-up time setting you have implemented, ALL ships get attacked and cannot retreat in time.
after the battle I recieved thses messages:
Fleet commander Cancel the recycling 1 Dec 20:17:25

38:991:5Your fleet (50 Provider) without the option "aggression" turned on, retreat from coordinates
[38:991:5], and stop to recycle debris, because of the battle with enemy fleet of a player Hans (50 Battleship, 20 Recycler, 10 Science vessel), 10 919 metal and 10 919 minerals were recycled. If your fleet had the option "aggression" turned on, it wouldn’t retreat with the start of the battle, and the winner would remain on the coordinates.
Fleet commanderCancel the recycling1 Dec 16:06:49

169:97:3Your fleet (10 Provider) without the option "aggression" turned on, retreat from coordinates
[169:97:3], and don’t start to recycle debris, because of the battle with enemy fleet of a player:☠ Rasdasiar (3 Quantum destroyer)If your fleet had the option "aggression" turned on, it wouldn’t retreat with the start of the battle, and the winner would remain on the coordinates.
Well so much for those statements