Сообщения пользователя: Brutalizer

Тема: Bad Changes to Game | 1 день назад
Сообщение #3

Whats about hard work you talking about? You are beginner.
Тема: Additional loss of damaged fleet units at the end of battle | 24 Января 2024 22:10:06
Сообщение #2
This is VERY, VERY BAD! the percentage chance is too high ..
A tenth would be acceptable, but 50% at 50% is an enormous number.
Please think the percentage chances again.
Тема: Abandon colony | 23 Июля 2023 12:59:10
Сообщение #1
4star0th, if is this planet your capital planet, its cannot be deleted. In case this planet in not your capital, just try open your game in other device and repeat the delete.