Quote: Galactus
Ty stein,
Attacked by the pirate in deep space, or by aliens at home when I get back? What forces to prepare for?
Hmmm, not much insight here:(
Nvm I found out. Here is the scoop:
Reward is 30 destros. A couple of hrs after delivery of shipment to Montana, while transport fleet is still en route, pirate Xyao attacked my planet where i got the reward.
100 cruisers, 10 BS + 1 destro. 4% chance moon forming from debris.
Took me 20 hrs to reach Montana, Xyao took only 3hrs to reach my planet from same coords. Damn fast pirates:(
Seems there are 4 waves of pirate attacks. Each one 24 hrs after the previous and stronger than the last one. Starts with Xyao and 100 cruisers, 10 BS, 1 destro (100k pts). Continues with Lucky, 300 cruisers, 30 BS, 3 destros (300k pts). Next 1 is T-800 with 600 cruisers, 60 BS and 6 destros (850k pts). Last 1 is Xyao again with 1000 cruisers, 100 BS and 10 destros (1120k pts). All at the same bad time that I should be asleep. Fortunately you can FS and skip them fine for the quest:)
You get 10 more destros 4 your trouble and losses.