Rules about players with multiple accounts, Admin please respond - Thank you

Сообщение  Сообщение #1 
Группа guest
I see many people with multiple accounts on here and they are just "feeding" their accounts with points, in essence boosting them to increase raid and battle experience etc.  This makes it harder for actual NEW players to have a chance to enjoy the game!

My question about that, is if it is allowed and openly allowed, no restrictions on it?

I appreciate others responses on this subject, however...I would ask that an Admin answer if it is allowed so there is an "authority" of the game behind the answer.

Thank you!
15 Декабря 2016 03:58:00
15 Декабря 2016 03:58:00
Сообщение  Сообщение #2 
Репутация 26
Группа humans Альянс United Nations 38 18 34 Очков 1 603 767 Сообщений 66
Hi Xanti,

I'm not an admin or fact, I'm a player just like yourself. I, too, have seen others playing multiple accounts - some seemingly with utter abandon to the ethics and order of the game.

Having more than one account is permitted, so long as any player does not have more than one account of one race. That is, players can have 3 accounts, total (my understanding, Admin, please confirm), so long as they are 1 account each of Terran, Xerj, and Toss.

Here is a link to the rules:

Specifically, see Section 5 Accounting Terms

Fly safe, and happy playing :D
16 Декабря 2016 00:22:47
16 Декабря 2016 00:22:47
Сообщение  Сообщение #3 
Группа guest

Thanks for the info there and explanation. I will take a look at the rules and see what it says. I know I have seen a few with same race, so if what you said above is correct; it would mean they are in violation and should have all of their accounts banned IMO. I mean one person I seen had three Terran. Another not too far from Me has two Terran at least that I can see as well.

It would be nice if an admin replied on here to clarify the information specifically. I.E. Yes, OK for one of each race etc...also, if players see others in violation, how to report it...and the consequence procedure(s) etc...
16 Декабря 2016 00:35:49
16 Декабря 2016 00:35:49
Сообщение  Сообщение #4 
Группа guest
Still wish an admin would reply to this so we all know for certain please.

Also, I was curious if the one of each race rule is indeed correct...Then is it OK to use the same email for all accounts or is a different one needed for each?

Thanks! :)
17 Декабря 2016 03:45:34
17 Декабря 2016 03:45:34
Сообщение  Сообщение #5 
Группа guest
try it on the same email, & it won't let me activateRules about players with multiple accounts
17 Декабря 2016 04:32:33
17 Декабря 2016 04:32:33
Сообщение  Сообщение #6 
Группа guest
jimmywo, Thanks for the heads-up on that. It is easy enough to create another free email. Still waiting on confirmation on the one of each though...

...and what to do about the others with multiple of same race...

Good luck! Rules about players with multiple accounts
17 Декабря 2016 04:37:38
17 Декабря 2016 04:37:38
Сообщение  Сообщение #7 
Репутация 11
Группа xerj Альянс United Nations 47 18 42 Очков 1 854 621 Сообщений 30
One of each race is permitted.  That is specifically addressed in the rules.  

Likewise, having more than one account of each race is specifically prohibited.

If you suspect a violation, send a PM to an admin (Victoria has always been very helpful to me; Sunny too) and they will look into it.  It's a little scary the power they have to see who is who
17 Декабря 2016 06:30:35
17 Декабря 2016 06:30:35


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