Please Help

Post  Post #1 
Group guest
I have a big problem and i need help please . I'm e new player and some guy who is much stronger than me attack me every day destroing my ships and taking all my resourses . EVERY DAY same story . Now he even got the capital key from my planet and i have to pay 5% of all resourses to him , so i have no chance to make a new army to deffend . My question is : for how long he will keep my capital key - is it like 1 week , 1 month ... or it's until i fight him back and retake my key - which is impossible , cuz he got my resourses . I'm a new player 3,4k points , i have no chance to deffence and i have to pay due to someone - that's ridiculous . Please help - i'm desperate . i need some advise . Thanks
25 February 2017 08:17:53
25 February 2017 08:17:53
Group guest
you can join an alliance first option and ask help second option move to a new location third option beofere you go to bed send fleet on a walk and resources
fourth option spend all resources in defenses
he can keep key for 3 days
25 February 2017 10:57:40
25 February 2017 10:57:40
Post  Post #3 
Group guest
If key can be hold only for 3 days , that's ok for me - just gonna move to other location . Thanks a lot for the good advices !!
25 February 2017 12:05:35
25 February 2017 12:05:35


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