help explain please multiplicatively

Post  Post #1 
Group guest

not sure if i understand correctly
multiplicatively from at math stand point means lvl is 1x1=1
lvl 2 is 1x2=2
lvl 3 is 2x3=6 (lvl 2xlvl3)
lvl 4 is 6x4=24 (lvl3xlvl4)
is this right? if not please make sense!
16 March 2017 15:04:47
16 March 2017 15:04:47
Post  Post #2 
Reputation 7
Group toss 9 7 30 Messages 23
Base value x (% increase per level x level) = total
18 June 2017 15:47:01
18 June 2017 15:47:01


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