Expedition, How to control the ships found during expedition

Post  Post #1 
Group guest
Sent my science vessel for expedition and got a message that, Found some ships during an expedition, but there is no one to control them.

I don't know how to control them, plz help me in this situation
29 June 2017 20:16:06
29 June 2017 20:16:06
Post  Post #2 
Group guest
Had same probleem, you need to send other ships with the science vessel, e.g. large cargo, fighter, recycler, battleships,  problem is that sometimes you lose them to black holes or pirates, so send what you can reasonable afford to lose if the worst happens typically I would send 1 science, 10 l cargo, 10 recycler, 1 fighter, 1 battleship    but its entirely up to you
30 June 2017 13:42:27
30 June 2017 13:42:27
Post  Post #3 
Group guest
Quote: Partha87
Sent my science vessel for expedition and got a message that, Found some ships during an expedition, but there is no one to control them.

I don't know how to control them, plz help me in this situation

Depending on what ships you find in an expedition, you have to have same type of ships in your fleet to control them. Sending just 1 science vessel in an expo, will just get you science vessels, but afaik you can't get those in an expo:(
24 August 2017 03:47:31
24 August 2017 03:47:31
Post  Post #4 
Reputation 11
Group xerj Alliance United Nations 47 18 42 Points 1 850 116 Messages 30
From my experience...which admittedly was some time ago.. typically it takes 10 or more ships of the same type to "control" the shps that you find.  For example, i would send 25 battleships, 100 cruisers and 10 battlecruisers into expedition and sometimes find a few battleships, a couple of cruisers and a battlecruiser or 2.   Seems the more ships you send, the more you can control and bring home, but that's just an observation without any confirmation from the admin.  My 2 cents, anyway Expedition
24 August 2017 04:11:26
24 August 2017 04:11:26
Post  Post #5 
Group guest
There are some online tools for oGame expos which may help... http://bontchev.my.contact.bg/ogame/expeditions.html
24 August 2017 06:36:44
24 August 2017 06:36:44


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