Looting penalty, Reset time

Group guest
When does looting penalty (from overlooting) reset?
22 August 2017 03:40:15
22 August 2017 03:40:15
Reputation 26
Group humans Alliance United Nations 38 18 34 Points 1 824 366 Messages 66
Each looting transaction (robbery) "falls off" after 30 days... so it is a constantly revolving calculation.

You can increase your production (mining) in order to increase the amount you can loot without penalty
22 August 2017 05:56:22
22 August 2017 05:56:22
Group guest
ty qwerty,

Mining is good, but very slow...:(

So, in other words, if I pick a new raid, it shouldn't get penalized. That's not the case.
Penalty applies to all raids new and old. The counter in the trade section is a global aggregate of all your loot. If it is exceeded, you are screwed:(
I just confirmed it in my new colonies (new raids - penalty applies).

I take it, however, that it resets every 30d. Time to go away and get back in 30 d :(
22 August 2017 06:09:08
22 August 2017 06:09:08
Reputation 26
Group humans Alliance United Nations 38 18 34 Points 1 824 366 Messages 66
Yes, the penalty applies to your entire raiding scheme...no matter which planet you launch from. Consider it a tax on your raiding.

And yes, each raid "falls off" after 30 days.... so if you rob someone on 1 May, in 30 days it will fall off your record and not count toward your total anymore. Of course, they all add in, so if you loot a lot on one day... it's gonna be there for 30 days.

Increasing your mining production is good to produce res, sure.... but it also increases the amount you can loot without penalty. I don't know the formula...in fact, the admin may have never made it public... but your looting limit without penalty is tied to some percentage of your production, in "unires" (convert everything to vespene). By increasing your mine production, you can loot more without penalty
22 August 2017 09:43:12
22 August 2017 09:43:12
Group guest
Wow, good to know that raiding limit depends on your mining. Ty again qwerty:)
22 August 2017 10:45:19
22 August 2017 10:45:19
Group guest
why im just getting 50% enemy's resources, when robbing offline players????
23 August 2017 20:42:15
23 August 2017 20:42:15
Group guest

me too !!  - see bugs
23 August 2017 21:32:35
23 August 2017 21:32:35
Group guest

Not a bug, it's by design. Go to Trade, towards the end. You will see "Looted resources" and "Can be looted without penalties". If 2nd 1 is negative, you have overlooted for the month and are penalized by 50% until it becomes positive. It is updated daily.
24 August 2017 00:09:30
24 August 2017 00:09:30
Group guest
Quote: Galactus
Looting penalty 49 K / 49 K Reputation 0 Group terran Alliance Experience Looting penalty7 Looting penalty1 Looting penalty3 Points 48 815 Messages 24
Looting penalty Looting penalty giedrius123

Not a bug, it's by design. Go to Trade, towards the end. You will see "Looted resources" and "Can be looted without penalties". If 2nd 1 is negative, you have overlooted for the month and are penalized by 50% until it becomes positive. It is updated daily.

Fully aware of this, it's in the 'bug post', currently at approx 7% of my 'looting capacity' , still getting a 50% penalty even when I have 93% spare capacity 
24 August 2017 01:34:46
24 August 2017 01:34:46
Group guest
Quote: mh1
Fully aware of this, it's in the 'bug post', currently at approx 7% of my 'looting capacity' , still getting a 50% penalty even when I have 93% spare capacity 

I was talking to giedrius123. I am well aware that you know what you are talking about. However, it is faster and better for newbies to check their trade tab b4 getting in too deep;-)
24 August 2017 02:11:37
24 August 2017 02:11:37
Group guest
Have received the " it is not a bug " reply from Victoria.....  see "it is not a bug" post in complaints

hopefully a different admin will answer this thread & give a proper explanation for the above
24 August 2017 12:26:59
24 August 2017 12:26:59
Group guest
Looted resources: 22 203 675
Can be looted without penalties:-21 667 251

so i didnt get in one day 21 667 251 so much resources?  
25 August 2017 18:01:06
25 August 2017 18:01:06
Group guest
No, as Galactus said above, looting was a 30 day accumulative resources, so whatever you raided on day one is removed from your total on day 31 etc etc, a "rolling 30 day".

That is how it used to be, however it would seem that now a standard 50% penalty is applied all the time,  apparently to address balance issues, cannot really see the thinking behind this....but if you look back over the last 6 months some of the game changes have been beyond reason.

It would seem that whoever is implementing changes is determined to sabotage the game and shed players.....only us crazies continue to play, if you still want to play, go to your doctor for depression medication, it will really help
25 August 2017 21:38:33
25 August 2017 21:38:33
Group guest
Quote: mh1
No, as Galactus said above, looting was a 30 day accumulative resources, so whatever you raided on day one is removed from your total on day 31 etc etc, a "rolling 30 day".

That is how it used to be, however it would seem that now a standard 50% penalty is applied all the time,  apparently to address balance issues, cannot really see the thinking behind this....but if you look back over the last 6 months some of the game changes have been beyond reason.

So, now do you know what's going on mh1?
Does this happen to all level players while looting grays? What about raiding active players, is it now 25%? If you overloot do you still get penalized another 25%?

Quote: mh1
It would seem that whoever is implementing changes is determined to sabotage the game and shed players.....only us crazies continue to play, if you still want to play, go to your doctor for depression medication, it will really help

Agreed 100%. This is a raiding game. Reducing loot from raids is like shooting yourself in the foot:( If this is going on, it's time for us to leave...
26 August 2017 01:19:28
26 August 2017 01:19:28
Group guest
The only information I have was given by Victoria in 'bugs', the 50% resources collected on a raid is now standard, I assume it applies to everyone, but who knows?? no explanations are given before introduction of changes, as far as what happens extra if anything happens at all when your looting capacity is reached, I have no idea
26 August 2017 12:32:03
26 August 2017 12:32:03


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