Question Tab, Question Tab

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Group xerj Alliance STORM 32 19 24 Points 1 889 341 Messages 35
I have been asking questions in the question tab for days and have yet to get a single response..... I play another similar browser game (not space related) and when i ask a question to support the longest they take to respond is 13 hours.....
Considering that the information on this game is severely lacking, as well as the information that IS out on the game that is in English is poorly translated and sometimes completely impossible to understand, you'd think after 5 days I'd get a response on specific questions in which there is no answer anywhere else.
Am I really to be forced to go to the forum every time i need a question answered?
10 May 2018 21:25:21
10 May 2018 21:25:21
Group guest
I got a reply from Victoria when I made a suggestion through that tab so I think that it is something that get checked every once and awhile... That being said I ask a ton of questions to my mentor, but you've already outgrown the mentoring stage. You can always ask fellow players who are bigger and hope for the best.
27 May 2018 13:56:03
27 May 2018 13:56:03


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