attacked a pirate fleet, and according to the simulation I should win with at most 1 of my 10 cruisers lost, in reality I lost the majority of my fleet
It seems like the damage they do to me is very focused and fairly soon I start losing ships (and firepower) one after the other.
On the other hand it seems like the damage I do to them is very spread out, It took a significant amount of damage before the enemy started losing ships (and firepower), the enemy cruisers were at less than 25% health before they finally started giving in, so they were able to fire at me full strength for a lot longer than I was able to fire at them
Seems a fight where the enemy gets to use a better strategy then I do, or am I missing something?
The only useful order I have during battle is 'attack' on a group of ships, what the other 2 orders do I don't know (no mouse-over description available)
How do I give orders to focus attack on a single ship at a time as to lower the enemy strength as quick as possible?
On top of that 1 cruiser is now being repaired (and blocking my production queue unless I pay 1 hydarian crystal) for a whopping 12 days, while I can build a cruiser from scratch in 75 minutes
(Edit: just found out the repair queue is separate from the production queue, so atleast that doesn't block things)