622 K / 622 K
Megumin TOSS
"The time of awakening has cometh for I, Megumin! The greatest magic user to ever exist, beseech my soul to the void, to the darkness darker than the deepest abyss:

Heed my desire for destruction! Dance, Dance, Dance on an infallible boundary of destruction, combine with my deep crimson power and come forth as an intangible distortion, a torrent of destructive force with no equal!

I command you, the mightiest means of attack known to man: The ultimate attack!

Return all of creation to cinders: Explosion!"

Archwizard Megumin.
Страна: Не указана
ТОП: 9576
Очков: 622 171
Медаль обнуления истощения красного нексуса
Медаль 500k очков статистики
Медаль обнуления истощения синего нексуса
Мастер переработки II
Медаль обнуления истощения зелёного нексуса
Выбрал сторону Санта Клауса
Талисман Harkonnen
Талисман Atreides
Медаль флота «Муталиск»
Талисман Ordos
Жажда скорости (уровень 8)
Мастер ключей (уровень 2)
Медаль Гагарина
Мастер переработки I
Хороший бой
Осатанелый сборщик
Живой кот Шрёдингера
Медаль флота «Матриархат»
Медаль флота «Патриархат»
Расхититель планет (уровень 8)
Ключ столицы тосса (Megumin)
Полное имя Megumin
Социальная сеть Jedi Group
Мессенджер Джедаи
Дата регистрации 12 Октября 2023
Посл. посещ. форума 24 Февраля 2024
Анкета героя
我がなめぐみん!アクウィザドをなりわい年、最強の攻撃の魔法 ”爆裂魔法” を 操るもの!

"The time of awakening has cometh for I, Megumin! The greatest magic user to ever exist, beseech my soul to the void, to the darkness darker than the deepest abyss:

Heed my desire for destruction! Dance, Dance, Dance on an infallible boundary of destruction, combine with my deep crimson power and come forth as an intangible distortion, a torrent of destructive force with no equal!

I command you, the mightiest means of attack known to man: The ultimate attack!

Return all of creation to cinders: Explosion!"

Archwizard Megumin.

I have no interest in farming active players, this doesn't mean I won't hit your base if the resources are free for the taking i do follow all rules set out by my alliance. The only exception being completely undefended bases, if your resources can be stolen with civil fleet i will take them; unless you are protected by a pact. If you don't like it, build some defenses.

If you got fleet not under FAS or in fleet saving it's a big target, if I or anyone else can hit it without losses they will!

I happy to help new players setup their bases properly so they won't be attacked if they ask. I am also happy to explain how to use FAS and fleet saving if you ask.

Don't steal my debris, if you want some message me, I will make you your own piles!

Repeated thefts will result on KOS of civil fleet on my debris. This is not sanctioned by my alliance, but I am tired of wasteing fleet slots to move theives reclyers off my debris. If i have to waste a fleet slot to push your recyclers off my debris the ships will have guns. If you don't like it, don't steal shit that isn't yours and we will never have a problem.

Если ты не друг, то мы враги, а оскорбления от врага – величайшая честь, которую может получить любой воин.

If you are not my ally, then we are at war; insults from the enemy are the greatest honor any commander can receive.


Пожалуйста, присылайте сообщения на русском, английском или японском языках.

Please send communications in Russian, English or Japanese.
Репутация 72
13 Апр 2024
С днем космонавтики!
Прикреплённая картинка
20 Мар 2024
Varg2 +
I do not know if you are a Lady or a gentleman, but I disagree with you saying this is not a game for newcomers. I just started about three weeks ago and now I got off to a crappy start, was hit seven or 8 times, four of those times by the same young 14 year-old, from the Ukraine alliance. I finally had to put 1000 H’s on a bounty of his head to make him quit. My third weekend I’m hunting Pirates. And for the most part, I’m beating them. Though there was one that it took me three fleets from three different planets to beat him, because he was a million strong and I am a mirror 44,000 points if I’m reading this correctly. Sure it was slow going in the beginning and that’s because I didn’t understand that I needed A hefty defense. Now I have six planets in the last one is coming along fine now that I’ve learned my lessons. I Love reading your posts, so by all means, please keep writing them. Even if you have to repeat yourself, old folks like me need to be told more than once how to get things done. I met a gentleman from the same alliance from another encounter who has been helping me. No one thought it smart to write a beginning guide evidently. Had they done this? It would’ve saved me sometime because I joined an alliance Russian speaking. And I found it impossible to get any help, I’m guessing it’s because I was flying the American flag. Somehow I talk to a leader of alliance that speaks mostly English, and they said if I quit the alliance, it will take me a week before I can join another. So I have two more days to go before I join this alliance. A bonus to this is I met a pirate that has become a friend and he hit me first but that’s in the pirate and just trying to get my world. he turned out to be another friend and gentleman. So thank you and please keep writing.
8 Мар 2024
IE1966 +
С праздником! За союз между сильными независимыми интеллигентами и свободным пролетариатом!
15 Янв 2024
Facq +
Прикреплённая картинка
31 Дек 2023
IE1966 +
За всё хорошее! Сажусь за стол
31 Дек 2023
+ Happy new уear !
30 Дек 2023
Boooo +
Плюсик для алой Мазоку ))))
27 Дек 2023
IE1966 +
Ну за понимание!
25 Дек 2023
Facq +
Прикреплённая картинка
27 Дек 2023
13 Дек 2023
Merci pour ton soutien et ton aide bon jeux a toi ..
11 Дек 2023
+За совет+
10 Дек 2023
вы нападаете на гораздо более слабых и делаете их несчастными
18 Дек 2023
I also never (outside of inactives) attack the same base more than once, so someone is feeding you bullshit; i suggest you stop eating it.
18 Дек 2023
The vast majority of my attacks are players much larger than me, it is very rare that i attack someone much smaller than my own number of points and this usually only happens when they are 7 days inactive. Please do not spread such lies about people.
5 Дек 2023
IE1966 +
+1. За дружбу
5 Дек 2023
Zews -
3 Дек 2023
IE1966 +
За первый бой в составе альянса Тень!
1 Дек 2023
All the Best for who knows the price of Friendship and certainly +++++++
25 Ноя 2023
drez +
Верность принципам
25 Ноя 2023
Правильный выбор и - через тернии - к звездам
25 Ноя 2023
IE1966 +
За первый шаг к достижению цели
16 Ноя 2023
скорей всего бот
17 Ноя 2023
Не очень красиво называть кого-то роботом.
11 Ноя 2023
Nice start ☺️
7 Ноя 2023
боевой подруге
22 Окт 2023
ну таке, тай таке) і що воно таке, ще не зрозумів), може і гейм овер)